What can breast cancer patients eat

Bamboo Ask questions at 22:13:53, May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

Breast cancer patients should pay attention to daily diet, balanced nutrition intake and diversified diet. Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women, and its prevalence rate ranks first among female tumor patients. Studies have found that weight gain and overweight are important factors for breast cancer recurrence and poor prognosis. High fat diet and alcohol consumption can promote breast cancer recurrence. Therefore, in addition to timely treatment, nutrition and diet factors are also very important for breast cancer patients. Nutritional and dietary principles: 1. Control the total energy intake in the diet and maintain normal weight. 2. Control the intake of fat in food and avoid the intake of high-fat food. The type of fat should include animal fat and vegetable oil, and the proportion of the two should be appropriate. 3. Increase the intake of protein and eat more high-quality protein, such as bean protein, fish, chicken or poultry. 4. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and plenty of natural vitamins and cellulose. If possible, you should eat 1 to 2 jin of vegetables and fruits every day. 5. Eat more seafood, including small fish, shrimp, kelp, etc., to supplement iodine, selenium, molybdenum, zinc and other trace elements. 6. Do not eat moldy, pickled, fried and smoked food, avoid spicy or irritating food, and do not smoke or drink.

Bamboo 2024-05-27 10:42:26

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