How to treat vulvitis infection quickly

Happy Harbor Ask questions on 2024-04-16 21:54:13
Recommended answer

The treatment of vulvitis in women is mainly local medication. At the same time, keep the vulva clean and dry to avoid adverse stimulation. You can choose different liquid medicaments for sitz bath. At the same time, apply antibiotic ointment or antifungal agents to the vulva. If the blood count is high and the white blood cell count is increased, antibiotics can be used together at this time. Vulvitis is also one of the common problems of women. It is mainly caused by pathogen invasion or various adverse stimuli. It can exist independently, or it can be accompanied by vaginitis or urinary system diseases, perianal diseases or systemic diseases. The main clinical manifestations are itching, pain, burning sensation of the vulva skin, and even swelling, rash, erosion, ulcer, etc. of the vulva. Therefore, when vulvitis infection is found, active cooperation and treatment are needed.

Happy Harbor 2024-04-22 12:14:22

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