How to eat sweet potato to regurgitate? What should be paid attention to when eating sweet potatoes

Free and easy Ask questions on 2024-06-22 14:49:41
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Sweet potato is rich in starch, dietary fiber, carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, as well as more than 10 kinds of microelements such as potassium, iron, copper, selenium, calcium, linoleic acid, etc. It has high nutritional value and is called the most nutritionally balanced health food by nutritionists.

How to eat sweet potato to regurgitate? What should be paid attention to when eating sweet potatoes

How to eat sweet potato to regurgitate?

Sweet potatoes contain a substance called "gasifying enzyme", which can produce a lot of stomach acid in people's stomach and intestines, causing heartburn, nausea and vomiting of sour water after eating. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly master the eating method of sweet potatoes, such as eating sweet potatoes with rice and flour, and controlling the consumption amount at one time; When eating sweet potatoes, match some pickles and salty soup; During processing, the sweet potatoes are cooked thoroughly, and most of the gasification enzymes are destroyed by steam; Soak the raw sweet potato with a small amount of alkali, alum and salt solution, and then process the mature food.

Precautions for eating sweet potatoes

1. Sweet potatoes are best eaten at noon

This is because after we eat sweet potatoes, the calcium contained in them needs to be absorbed in the human body for 4-5 hours, and the sunlight in the afternoon can just promote the absorption of calcium. In this case, if you eat sweet potatoes at lunch, calcium can be fully absorbed before dinner, which will not affect the absorption of calcium in other foods at dinner.

2. Eat sweet potato "Shaoxin" with pickles

Sweet potatoes have a high sugar content. Eating too much can stimulate the secretion of stomach acid, making people feel "heartburn". Therefore, when eating sweet potatoes, it is best to match a little pickled vegetables, which can effectively inhibit stomach acid.

3. Eating Sweet Potato with Dyspepsia

The sweet potato is rich in sugar, which can not be absorbed by the body for a while. The rest of the sweet potato is easy to ferment in the intestinal tract, making the abdomen uncomfortable. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that those with dampness obstructing the spleen and stomach, qi stagnation and food accumulation should be careful to eat sweet potatoes.

4. Sweet potato and persimmon should not be eaten together

Sweet potatoes and persimmons should not be eaten at the same time in a short period of time, at least five hours apart. If eaten at the same time, the sugar in the sweet potato will ferment in the stomach, which will increase the secretion of gastric acid, and react with the tannin and pectin in the persimmon to precipitate and agglomerate, producing hard lumps. If the amount is too large, it can cause gastrointestinal bleeding or gastric ulcer. If you feel unwell to your stomach, you must go to the hospital for a gastroscope to see if there is any stomach bleeding or gastric ulcer.

5. Sweet potatoes should not be eaten raw

Because the cell membrane of starch in raw sweet potato has not been destroyed by high temperature, it is difficult to digest in human body; At the same time, when boiling sweet potatoes, the cooking time should also be appropriately extended, so that the "gasification enzyme" contained in sweet potatoes can be destroyed, and after eating, there will be no abdominal distension, heartburn, burping, nausea, exhaust and other uncomfortable feelings.

6. Sweet potatoes are delicious

If you eat sweet potatoes and rice noodles together, you can also play a complementary role in protein; If you eat it together with some pickles or fresh radishes, you can reduce the production of stomach acid.

Free and easy 2024-06-24 11:12:22

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