What's the matter with or without separation in ovarian cysts

Middle aged Ask questions on 2024-05-23 03:43:26
Recommended answer

Ovarian cysts can be divided into physiological and pathological ones. Seperated cysts are more common in pathological ones. Pathological cysts are affected by inflammation and other diseases. Physiological cysts are mostly corpus luteum cysts, which generally disappear after the menstrual cycle. It is suggested that patients with ovarian cysts can take color ultrasound examination of uterine appendages to check whether the cysts have changed after menstruation. If the cysts grow faster, are larger, and the separation is obvious, they should follow the reasonable suggestions of the doctor according to the examination results and choose the appropriate treatment scheme. At ordinary times, we should pay attention to the hygiene of the pubic region and change our underwear frequently. Especially during menstruation, we should prohibit sexual life, avoid gynecological diseases, keep our mood comfortable, and avoid anxiety and tension.

Middle aged 2024-05-27 11:15:40

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