What is the best medicine for gastroenteritis

Sea breeze in summer Ask on 2024-05-17 03:32:34
Recommended answer

Patients with gastroenteritis can take Changweining orally if their symptoms are not serious. If the diarrhea is serious and does not improve, in order to prevent dehydration and electrolyte disorder, it is necessary to go to the digestive department in time for routine blood test, ion test and stool routine test. According to the specific examination results, timely and symptomatic medication will recover quickly. Usually, drugs that inhibit gastric acid secretion, such as omeprazole or lansoprazole, plus cephalosporins and the drug that regulates intestinal flora, such as MECHANGAN, will be used. At ordinary times, you must pay attention to your diet and not eat raw, cold, spicy, stimulating, greasy and spoiled food, which can help reduce this situation. At ordinary times, we should also pay attention to keeping the abdomen warm to avoid catching cold in the abdomen, which will help reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal inflammation.

Sea breeze in summer 2024-05-20 11:29:10

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