What are the common symptoms of prostatic cysts

Purple Campanula Ask questions at 11:18:11, May 14, 2024
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The common symptoms of prostatic cysts are similar to those of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis, mainly because patients may have difficulty urinating. It may be because the cyst increases and compresses the urethra, resulting in a relatively narrow urethra. It is easy to have frequent urination, thinner urine, difficulty waiting for urination, and endless urination. In serious cases, there may be urinary retention, and in some cases, there may be pyogenic infection of prostatic cysts, which may lead to the discharge of pus, and may also be accompanied by systemic symptoms such as high fever and weakness, which need to be judged in combination with personal clinical manifestations and the results of prostate B-ultrasound.

Purple Campanula 2024-05-20 11:44:04

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