What does a boy's spermatorrhea look like

travel all the time Ask on 2024-05-31 08:25:44
Recommended answer

When boys reach puberty, they will experience spermatorrhea, which is a normal physiological phenomenon. Male will have normal spermatorrhea 1-2 times within a week, which will not affect the body. Male spermatorrhea can also be seen in phimosis, redundant prepuce, urethritis, prostatitis, because the presence of inflammation will stimulate the seminal vesicles, spermatorrhea occurs. If symptoms such as erection and suffocation occur during sleep, spermatorrhea will also occur. If the patient frequently looks at yellow pictures, sexual reflex will occur due to stimulation in sleep, and ejaculation and spermatorrhea will occur.

travel all the time 2024-06-03 12:25:45

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