Can montmorillonite powder and bacillus subtilis be eaten together

It's worth living Ask questions on 2024-05-13 03:40:25
Recommended answer

It is suggested that patients should not take montmorillonite powder and dry root fungus together. The two should be taken about two hours apart, because montmorillonite powder may affect the efficacy of dry root fungus. Montmorillonite powder is mainly used for patients with diarrhea, mainly through the role of convergence to reduce diarrhea. Bacillus subtilis can treat diarrhea mainly by adjusting Escherichia coli. During the treatment, attention should be paid to fluid supplement. Patients can consider oral rehydration salts or intravenous rehydration to prevent dehydration, electrolyte disorders and other situations. Patients need to conduct routine blood tests, electrolytes, liver and kidney functions, and evaluate whether the treatment plan needs to be adjusted.

It's worth living 2024-05-20 11:32:30

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