Are you your own psychological slave?

Lingding Shengfeng Ask on 2024-06-21 17:23:46
Recommended answer

Everyone has their own personality and psychological characteristics, but not all people can manage their own psychology and emotions, so they are easily affected by psychological factors unconsciously and become psychological slaves, unable to better control their own emotions. What is a psychological slave? The following three performances can be compared.

Class I: slaves who "think what others think"

This kind of "psychological slave" is the most common, the most destructive to creativity and personality, and is mostly found in people who are mentally immature. " If I talk more, people will think that I love to be in the limelight. "When I do that, people will laugh at me." This "other people" type of thinking makes it a slave of "others". Most "psychological slaves" are not only enslaved by "what others think", but also listen to the advice of unqualified people, which will seriously affect their creativity. The enthusiastic advice of neighbors, relatives and colleagues makes them not only distrust their own judgments, but even blindly listen to these various advice.


If you feel happy after imitating others, try your best to imitate. Otherwise, you should live your own way. As long as you don't violate social norms and hurt others and society, you can do whatever you like.

Reasonably face other people's eyes, criticism and criticism. Make friends with people who don't listen to gossip, are aggressive, willing to help others, and share the same ideals. Everyone has a hard lesson to learn. Everyone has many problems to deal with. You are like this, and so are others.

The second category: slaves "doomed to failure"

This type of "psychological slave" lacks self-awareness and thinks that he is too small to really see himself. They often complain about "I don't have a good chance", "I will fail", "people around me are against me", and "leaders don't value me". In fact, thinking itself can influence the development of things. When a person wants what, he will really become like that. If a person who wants to quit smoking tells himself "I can't quit smoking", he will never quit smoking. " I am doomed to fail "slaves need a change of thought.


A considerable part of the content of the thought will never be spoken out. Only by using good, positive and constructive words to hint at yourself, can we enhance self-confidence. I often think "I will succeed" and "I am a winner" in my mind, which will strengthen the belief of winning and try to find various methods "conducive to success".

The third category: slaves who were "too late"

This kind of "psychological slave" usually believes that this kind of thing should be done at one age and another kind of thing should be done at another age. For example, some people think that they "missed a good opportunity, and now they are in a dilemma and have to live by fate". Some people think they are too old to go to college at 26, and some people think they are too old to remarry at 50.


Ignore the "age limit" and look for fresh examples in life. We should not muddle along, but work towards our ideals in a planned and step-by-step way.

Lingding Shengfeng 2024-06-24 11:22:27

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