Women here are big, round and blessed

Don't forget when you are at peace Ask on 2024-06-21 07:34:21
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Where are women big, round and blessed? In the face theory, whether a woman is lucky can be seen from her face. Then, do you know what a lucky face is? What does the most blessed woman look like? Let's take a look at facial analysis!

The face is big, round and blessed! Blessed body phase characteristics

It is human nature to love beauty. In today's society where thin is beautiful, many people regard "thin" as the ultimate goal of weight loss, and misunderstand the true meaning of weight loss.

In fact, the real way to lose weight is to be "even", so that the proportion of the body is even, which will naturally have a certain visual effect. It's better to think twice before losing weight. For example, waistline is proportional to wealth, and inversely proportional to life expectancy. You have to make a choice whether you want money or life.

Big and round face

People with large and round faces are good at physiognomy, which can add points to interpersonal relationships and financial fortunes. However, many people try their best to lose face, which will not only affect their luck, but also reduce their social status.

Round chin

People with full and round chins (especially those with double chins) should never look down on them. They usually own more than two houses.

Buttock enlargement

People with big buttocks have fortune in physiognomy. As the saying goes, "Ten fat nine rich, not rich in no buttocks", many people will lose their buttocks because of their big buttocks, but they will lose their purse.

Thin leg

Although the slender legs are pleasing to the eye, it is said in physiognomy that "the legs are long and the feet are thin, the running is non-stop, and the hard work is also". If you don't want to become a busy life, you should give up those bird legs!

Xiangists believe that the shape of a person's lower abdomen like a hanging dustpan is a phase of happiness and longevity. The "Three Kingdoms Annals" also says that "there are no three nails on the back and no three necks on the belly, which is not a test of longevity". Therefore, when you lose the fat, you might as well leave a little belly to accumulate your fortune!

See when you begin to be blessed from the changes of body appearance

From the perspective of body appearance, the subtle changes in some parts of the body as you grow older will reveal whether you are now beginning to get lucky. Here are some obvious signs to help you better understand yourself. I hope you can take your seat accordingly.

1. Protruding meat at the center of foot

There is obvious prominent meat in the heart of the foot, which means that there is a noble person who will support and promote you. With the help of others, you will increase your luck, generally around 30 years old. People with such luck will have obvious prominent meat in the heart of the foot.

2. There is meat on the waist

The left and right waists are slightly behind. They are wide, round and thick with meat. Such people are able to bear hardships. When they begin to grow meat on their waists, it means that they have recently begun to increase their fortune and become prosperous.

3. Hairy abdomen

The abdomen position can be slightly protruding and slightly drooping, and the lower abdomen position has some hair, but not too dense. When the abdomen begins to grow hair, it also means that the good fortune has begun to increase, and the good fortune is relatively long-term, and will not suddenly rise, which belongs to the stage of starting to enter a relatively vigorous qi.

4. Plump hips

The buttocks are plump, but it has nothing to do with being fat or thin, and it is not necessarily large. The key is to be able to support the hip circumference of the pants sufficiently. Such people are very persistent in doing things, have patience, and can save money. Some even can't manage money, but they will eventually save a certain amount of money, which belongs to the accumulation ability.

5. Sleek wrist

The wrist is smooth and not very explicit, which means that the bones and flesh are equal. Such people can get more money with less work. It is easier to get money. If you find that your wrist is becoming fleshy and smooth, it means that your financial fortune is relatively stable now.

6. Thigh root is strong

The thigh root is relatively thick, which also indicates that he has good congenital luck, which is more specifically reflected in the early stage of relying on parents to raise, and the surrounding living environment.

Whether you are lucky or not depends on your body parts

Everyone hopes that he or she will be blessed and live a great life. From the perspective of Buddhist cause and effect, if he or she is blessed, it must be the result of his or her previous life or the present life, accumulating merit and virtue, and doing many good deeds. Now, from the perspective of body and face, what kind of people are blessed and have a great life?

1. Thin, but strong

On the surface, this kind of people will look very unlucky, but in fact, their blessings are hidden. Usually, men look like fools, and women look like personalities. However, their luck will not be bad. Wherever they go, they will be recognized by others. They will be very lucky with the help of a noble person.

2. Hip curl

Both men and women with this figure are lucky and lucky.

3. The feet are big and fleshy

A man with big feet and meat must be tall and burly. Women are tall and have texture. These are all born lucky.

No one wants to be less than 1.58 meters tall. In real society, the law of the jungle is always stronger than short. A pair of good feet gives them more luck than appearance. Also, when going out, it is very expensive and attractive. Wealth and luck are all around them.

4. The hands are fleshy

It is not necessary for a man to have a big hand, but a lucky woman must have a fat hand. Those petite and slender hands are weak.

In particular, those women with large five finger joints and dry hands generally rely on their own efforts to feed and clothe themselves, while those who are lucky and have a good life, on the contrary, may live a very happy life without too much suffering. They are especially lucky.

5. Large and thick ears

If a person is lucky, he will often look at his ears. If they grow long, they will have a long life. If they grow thick, they will have a good fortune. In his later years, he was more blessed.

6. The forehead is wide and bright

The forehead darkened for no reason. Under the understanding of ordinary people, it may have been unlucky recently. As the saying goes, "When a man is weak, he who drinks cold water will stop his teeth.". Everyone should have a deep understanding of this. But this kind of probability seldom happens to people who are born with good forehead, because they are destined to be lucky and lucky.

7. High and round nose

This nose shape is very good. I believe many people know that the nose can tell a person's wealth and abundance. The nose is called the "Palace of Wealth". Now money can solve many things, so rich people can also be called blessed people. A tall, round nose can also be a person of great fortune.

8. Bilateral buccal symmetry

Women with uneven cheeks will live a more miserable life and have bitter childhood memories. Men and women with symmetrical cheeks are not the same. People care about their lives and protect them from the wind and rain. With quality of life, he is definitely a blessed person.

9. Between eyebrow and eye

Between the eyebrows and the eyes is the "Tian Zhai Palace". If there is a good mole in this part, it means that you are a delicate, honest, versatile person. Your career is highly valued by your elders, and your marriage will be very happy. If it is a bad mole, you will move frequently, and something strange will happen in your place, such as water leakage. You'd better not go into real estate investment business, Otherwise, it may cause serious frustration. Lucky mole - The back half of the eyebrow at the back of the eyebrow is called "Caixia" in physiognomy, which symbolizes one's intelligence and talent. If there is a good mole at the end of the eyebrow, it can be called "happy eyebrow tip", which means that your interpersonal relationship is good and you have a good set of business practices. If it is a dark evil mole, it means that one of your brothers and sisters or cousins will suffer misfortune, Otherwise, you are easily injured in limbs or trapped by extramarital affairs, which should be paid special attention to when you are 33 or 34 years old.

Conclusion: Through the introduction above, do you know what kind of people are more blessed? In life, everyone has his own destiny. Since he was born, his destiny has been doomed. Therefore, if you want to change your destiny, it is very difficult. I hope you can help!

Don't forget when you are at peace 2024-06-24 11:19:48

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