Taking vitamins does not help pregnancy

Green water Ask questions at 14:18:30 on June 22, 2024
Recommended answer

The British medical journal The Lancet published a research report on the 29th, saying that vitamin supplements for pregnant women will not help avoid "pre eclampsia" during pregnancy. Excessive vitamin intake will lead to underweight babies.

"Pre eclampsia" leads to high blood pressure during pregnancy. At present, 2-3% of pregnant women suffer from this disease.

In 1999, a British medical research team came to a preliminary conclusion through experiments that vitamin C and vitamin E can reduce the risk of pregnant women suffering from "pre eclampsia".

However, the medical team expanded the test subjects to 2400 pregnant women with a high risk of "pre eclampsia" and found that the test group taking vitamin C and E was basically the same as the control group taking placebo in terms of the risk of "pre eclampsia", which was 15% and 16% respectively.

But among the pregnant women taking vitamins, 28% of the pregnant women gave birth to babies who were underweight. In the placebo group, the proportion was only 24%.

The medical research team stressed that the vitamins they used in the trial were not folic acid, which is widely used by pregnant women at present.

Green water 2024-06-24 11:23:56

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