What is the cause of red spot itch on glans penis

understanding Ask questions on 2024-05-26 06:20:39
Recommended answer

The glans has red spots and itching. The most common cause is balanitis, which is an acute inflammation caused by pathogenic bacteria infecting the glans. Generally, it is mainly bacterial infection. In some patients with poor resistance or long-term use of antibiotics, fungal infection may also occur. For bacterial infection, iodophor can be used for external disinfection. For serious infection, oral antibiotics should be taken at the same time. If it is fungal balanitis, you can choose ketoconazole ointment for external disinfection. If it is serious, you can also choose oral itraconazole for simultaneous treatment. The prepuce of glans is mainly caused by patients with redundant prepuce and phimosis. Therefore, circumcision is recommended to remove the redundant prepuce so that the glans can be kept clean and dry to reduce the chance of inflammation.

understanding 2024-05-27 11:17:00

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