What medicine can you take more to stop bleeding during menstruation

Keep away from dust Ask on 2024-05-21 07:13:36
Recommended answer

Due to the large amount of menstruation, you can take hemostatic drugs to stop bleeding. Menstruation is affected more often. When there are uterine fibroids, endocrine disorders, upper ring, etc., it may cause excessive menstruation. Improper diet, strenuous exercise and overwork during menstruation may also cause excessive menstruation. Excessive menstruation can easily cause dizziness, fatigue, anemia, and affect health. If you have excessive menstruation, you can take drugs such as Adrenal Color Hydrazone Tablets and Gongxuening Capsules to stop bleeding. You can also go to the hospital for B-ultrasound and sex hormone examination to see if there is any abnormality, and then take other drugs to stop bleeding and regulate menstruation.

Keep away from dust 2024-05-27 10:33:04

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