What's the pain in the lower left side of your stomach

Yanyu River Ask on 2024-05-08 04:12:47
Recommended answer

Considering that rectum sigmoid colitis is the most likely, in addition, it does not exclude gastrointestinal dysfunction, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, or because of abdominal cold and other factors, some psychological factors may also be induced. Therefore, if patients with similar conditions occur for a long time, it is better to improve colonoscopy, Helicobacter pylori, fecal occult blood and other related examinations, and make comprehensive analysis and judgment to exclude other possible organic diseases. Patients with similar conditions must pay attention to warm and hot diet, avoid cold and raw, avoid abdominal cold, do not sit for a long time, and properly cooperate with exercise. It is also possible to apply trimebutine maleate tablets, bifidobacteria, triple viable capsules, etc. to symptomatic treatment in combination with the situation.

Yanyu River 2024-05-13 11:05:13

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