The principle of healthy breakfast - what's good for breakfast?

Beauty after dusk Ask questions on 2024-06-23 00:22:41
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Toast bread does not contain stuffing and sugar, which makes people feel "safe". However, if the bread is delicious, they will add more oil when making it, especially the fresh milk toast and egg toast that taste tender and delicious. In addition, the butter, jam or peanut butter spread on toast, of which the peanut butter is not low in heat and fat, so it is better to wipe less.

The principle of healthy breakfast - what's good for breakfast?

What are the principles of nutritious breakfast?

1. Time for breakfast

Because getting up for 20 to 30 minutes is the time when people have the strongest appetite, it is the best time to eat breakfast. In addition, the interval between breakfast and lunch should be 4-5 hours, which means that the best time for breakfast is between 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock. If breakfast is too early, the number of breakfast will be increased accordingly or the Chinese food will be brought forward accordingly.

2. It needs nutrition

The principle is to complement the main and auxiliary, balance dry and lean, and mix meat and vegetables. We should eat some starchy foods such as steamed bread, bread, porridge, etc. appropriately. Because the calories provided by breakfast account for 30% of the whole day's calories, a certain amount of protein should be provided for breakfast, such as eggs, meat floss, bean products, etc. In addition, there are vitamin supplements. You can eat some hot and sour dishes, mixed dishes, fruits, etc.

3. Easy to digest

After getting up in the morning, most people will feel weak appetite and digestion. Therefore, breakfast food should be easy to digest, nutritious, not too greasy, and not too cold. This is because cold food will reduce the digestive capacity of the intestines and stomach.

Is toast, bread and milk healthy?

Toast bread does not contain stuffing and sugar, which makes people feel "safe". However, if the bread is delicious, they will add more oil when making it, especially the fresh milk toast and egg toast that taste tender and delicious. In addition, the butter, jam or peanut butter spread on toast, of which the peanut butter is not low in heat and fat, so it is better to wipe less. Cream is also a problem. Many people will choose vegetable butter because they think animal fat is not good. However, it should be noted that most commercially available vegetable cream is hydrogenated to form a trans fatty acid. It has been proved to be related to cardiovascular disease, and regular consumption is not conducive to health. Eating this breakfast of milk and bread, the spirit may begin to decline before 10 o'clock in the morning.

In fact, children and adults over the age of two can drink low-fat milk or skim milk to reduce the total fat intake of a day. In addition, because of the high calorie and fat content of sandwiched bread, do not often eat these bread. At the same time, always change the sauce used to spread toast, and apply less. If time permits, you can prepare some lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers to eat with, which will make nutrition more balanced.

Beauty after dusk 2024-06-24 11:12:16

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