Efficacy and function of Nanbao capsule

Sweet dreams, rain and smoke Ask on 2024-05-06 04:04:49
Recommended answer

Nanbao capsule is a traditional Chinese medicine. Its effect is to strengthen the yang and tonify the kidney. It can be used for sexual apathy, impotence, aching waist and legs, damp and cold kidney sac, mental depression and anorexia caused by insufficient kidney yang. This medicine has a validity period of 36 months. It is a capsule. The contents of the capsule are dark brown powder, with a slight salty taste and weak gas. Each capsule is 0.3g. Take two to three pills twice a day in the morning and evening. It is generally recommended to start from a small dose and then increase the dose slowly. During the medication period, there should be some precautions. First, avoid spicy, stimulating and greasy food. For patients with cold and fever, the medication should be suspended. If these patients have stomach disease, it is recommended to take it after meals. If the symptoms are not relieved after taking the medicine for two weeks, you must go to the hospital. Patients with serious chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, kidney disease, etc. should take drugs under the guidance of doctors; If the drug is to be used in combination with other drugs, it must be used again under the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist. The above scheme is only for reference. Please use the drug according to the drug description or the doctor's advice in a regular hospital.

Sweet dreams, rain and smoke 2024-05-13 11:08:31

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