Introduction to heartbeat of pregnant women

Heart like a rock Ask on 2024-06-23 04:16:04
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The physical examination is very important for women when they are pregnant, so they have some knowledge of themselves and the fetus. Many women do not actively cooperate with the physical examination when they are pregnant, which is not good for them. In addition, the abnormal situation of the fetus can not be found in time. What is the heartbeat rate of the pregnant woman? Many people are also unclear, Here's a detailed introduction.

Heartbeats of pregnant women:

The heart rate of normal people is generally between 60-100 per minute, and the heartbeat of pregnant women should also be within this range, sometimes a little faster.

Why does a pregnant woman's heart beat faster?

After pregnancy, the heart rate of pregnant women will increase due to the pressure of hormone level changes, increased fertility and the increase of blood volume during pregnancy. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. Don't worry about it. Just pay more attention to rest. However, if the pregnant woman has obvious palpitations, shortness of breath, feels flustered when she is slightly active, and has difficulty breathing, it is recommended that she go to the hospital as soon as possible.

What should pregnant women do if their heart beats too fast?

Women in the third trimester often have such a feeling: they usually do not feel tired, but when they do it, they will beat their hearts and breathe heavily, which is called flustered and short of breath. This is because during pregnancy, in order to adapt to the growth and development of the fetus, a series of changes have taken place in the maternal circulatory system.

During the third trimester of pregnancy, the blood volume of the whole body increased by 40% - 50% compared with that before pregnancy, the heart rate increased by 10-15 times per minute, and the cardiac output increased by 25% - 30%, which means that the workload of the heart was significantly increased compared with that before pregnancy. In addition, in the late pregnancy, due to the increase of the daughter body, the fragile muscle will rise and push the heart to move to the upper left. In addition, the weight of the pregnant woman will increase, and the metabolism will be vigorous, which will further increase the burden on the heart. The body must increase the heart rate and heart stroke volume to complete the excess work. Increase lung ventilation by deepening and speeding up breathing, so as to obtain more oxygen and emit more carbon dioxide. The normal heart has a certain reserve capacity and can be competent for the increased burden. Therefore, once a pregnant woman suffers from palpitation and shortness of breath, she does not need to panic. She can rest for a while, or she can lie on her side and sleep quietly for a while. Be careful not to lie on her back to prevent the occurrence of supine hypotension syndrome.

If there is no history of heart disease before pregnancy, and palpitation and shortness of breath occur in the last three months of pregnancy, which cannot be relieved after rest, the possibility of perinatal cardiomyopathy should be considered. Panic and shortness of breath in perinatal cardiomyopathy mainly occur at night. In the middle of the night, they often sit up and breathe because of chest tightness, or often feel chest pain, which has nothing to do with exertion. In case of any of the above situations, consult a doctor in time.

After knowing the number of heartbeats of pregnant women, when checking the number of heartbeats of pregnant women, women should pay attention to that their emotions must be adjusted. Bad emotions will also have an impact on the number of heartbeats. The abnormal number of heartbeats during pregnancy should be alleviated in time. The treatment method should be selected according to the doctor's suggestions, so that it will not harm the body.

Heart like a rock 2024-06-24 11:26:50

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