How to deal with rhinitis and itchy nose

hurriedly Ask questions at 03:30:47, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

Rhinitis and itchy nose are generally caused by allergic rhinitis. It is recommended that patients take oral anti allergic drugs, and then spray nasal hormone locally into the nasal cavity. Oral drugs generally include loratadine, cetirizine and montelukastner. Local nasal sprays include Fushuliang, Nexuena and Renocott. At the same time, the nasal cavity can be flushed with normal saline. If there is no obvious relief after drug treatment, the patient can be recommended to go to the ENT clinic for allergen detection. Then, according to the allergen, let the patient avoid contacting the allergen or choose desensitization treatment. The above health science knowledge is for reference only.

hurriedly 2024-04-22 12:08:14

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