What kind of food is good for hand injuries

Ningshan still water Ask questions at 21:16:52, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

For patients with hand injuries, it is appropriate to eat more green leafy vegetables. Because green leafy vegetables contain cellulose and vitamins. Cellulose is conducive to the recovery of gastrointestinal function. Microbiotics can promote the absorption and regression of blood stasis and swelling in hand trauma, and can promote the repair of tissue in hand trauma. Patients with hand injuries can eat more vegetables such as rape, spinach, cabbage and celery to promote the absorption of cellulose and vitamins, which is conducive to the recovery of hand injuries. They can also eat more soy products, dairy products, seafood and other foods with high protein content to promote the recovery of nutrition and the repair of hand injuries.

Ningshan still water 2024-06-03 12:36:24

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