How is rheumatic heat treated?

Wandering Alone Ask questions on April 27, 2024:06:56
Recommended answer

The treatment of rheumatic fever can be divided into general treatment, anti rheumatic treatment, antibacterial treatment and symptomatic treatment. General treatment refers to the need for absolute bed rest of the child. The time required for bed rest varies according to the severity of the illness and whether there is heart damage. The anti streptococcal treatment is mainly antibiotic treatment with penicillin, which lasts about 2-3 weeks. The treatment of anti rheumatism is mainly given salicylic acid preparations. If combined with early cardiac injury, glucocorticoid is required, and the course of treatment varies from 4 to 12 weeks. The symptomatic treatment is mainly based on the situation of the children's merger, such as the merger of heart failure, which requires the treatment of cardiac strengthening, diuresis and vasodilation. In case of joint swelling and pain, symptomatic treatment such as joint braking and pain relief is required.

Wandering Alone 2024-04-28 18:02:37

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