Pregnant women are uncomfortable here. The whole family should pay attention to it

Wandering Plum Garden Ask on 2024-06-22 04:35:42
Recommended answer

The growing belly of pregnant women will certainly cause the burden on the waist, back and buttocks. As the belly rises day by day, the weight of the body must move back to maintain balance when standing. This long-term posture of leaning back will make the back and waist muscles that are difficult to use in ordinary times tired and sore due to the suddenly increased burden.

Massage properly to relieve pain. Massage method: press with thumb from top to bottom along both sides of the spine. On both sides of the lower back, continue to press along the upper edge of the pelvis. Finally, press the neck and shoulder, press the spine downward, and massage the lower back from left to right. It is better to do it repeatedly 5-10 times a day. You can also try hot compress. You can also use a warm (but not too hot) water bag, or add two drops of each essential oil into warm water, wet a cloth in water, and apply it on your waist and back.

Backache of pregnant women may be due to calcium deficiency

Backache of pregnant women usually occurs in the middle and late pregnancy, because the fetus in pregnant women grows up day by day, and the intake of calcium by pregnant women will gradually be insufficient, which will lead to calcium deficiency symptoms. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to calcium supplementation. Usually, they can eat more foods with high calcium content, such as dairy products, bean products, shrimp skin, fish, eggs, kelp, nuts, green leafy vegetables, etc. The calcium supplementation effect is good, especially suitable for pregnant women.

In addition, for pregnant women after 4 months, it is recommended to take calcium tablets to supplement calcium. Food supplements alone cannot meet the requirements of pregnant women for calcium. After all, people's appetite is limited. Taking calcium tablet can solve the problems of cramp and backache of pregnant women, and has a very good effect on fetal growth and bone development.

Backache of pregnant women may be due to incorrect curvature of the spine

Sometimes, back pain is caused by the curvature of the spine. The curvature of pregnant women's spine changes greatly due to the influence of gradually increasing penis, which is easy to cause intervertebral disc protrusion and muscle strain. In addition to resting in bed, reducing activities and reducing stress, if the pain has a severe impact on life and sports obstacles, you can do local physical therapy to improve symptoms. keep warm.

Backache of pregnant women may be caused by joint laxity

When approaching the expected date of delivery, lutein makes the pelvis, joints and ligaments soft and loose, easy to stretch, but also causes the burden of the waist and back joints, and the pubic symphysis connecting the pelvis gradually relaxes, which is one of the reasons for back pain.

Pregnant women should avoid bending down suddenly and gaining weight too quickly, so as not to suddenly increase the burden on the waist. Hot towel should be used to compress the back and proper massage can be applied. It is like touching the waist with the palm from top to bottom with a very slight force, which can achieve the effect of massage. Avoid lifting heavy objects and holding children. In principle, all movements should avoid sudden use of waist and abdomen strength, and also avoid sudden pressure on the stomach.

For example, when you want to pick up something on the ground, you should squat down first, pick up something and then stand up slowly. Never bend down suddenly to pick up something when you stand up straight. The same is true for sitting in a chair. Don't rush to sit down. You should bend slightly first and then sit in slowly. In order to rest the muscles of the body, it is better to sit in a chair with a back.

Wandering Plum Garden 2024-06-24 11:28:26

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