What's the matter with dizziness and vomiting

Literary man Ask questions on 2024-04-17 08:08:22
Recommended answer

There are many causes of dizziness and vomiting, which are also a group of symptoms commonly seen in clinical practice. If dizziness is related to the change of posture, accompanied by visual rotation, vomiting, panic, sweating, and bowel movement, some patients also have symptoms such as hearing loss and tinnitus in their ears, it should be considered that dizziness and vomiting are vestibular peripheral vertigo. In such cases, symptomatic treatment is needed to alleviate symptoms. At the same time, the type of vestibular dysfunction, such as benign positional vertigo, otolith, Meniere's disease, can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc. If dizziness continues unabated, accompanied by headache, occurs in the elderly, accompanied by hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia and other basic diseases, the possibility of cerebrovascular disease should be considered first, because of posterior circulation ischemia or transient ischemic attacks, or cerebrovascular diseases in the cerebellum and brain stem. In this case, we should go to the hospital in time to make corresponding auxiliary examinations, make clear the diagnosis and symptomatic treatment of cerebrovascular diseases.

Literary man 2024-04-22 12:00:42

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