What do pregnant women eat for iron deficiency anemia

I'm afraid of the heart Ask questions at 19:41:27, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

In case of iron deficiency anemia, it is recommended to eat some foods with high iron content, such as liver and blood of some animals, or spinach, laver, black fungus and black sesame. These foods are rich in iron, which can supplement the absorption of iron in the body. In addition, you can also eat some fresh fruits and vegetables properly. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamin C. Vitamin C can promote the absorption of iron and the recovery of anemia. In addition, it should also be noted that if the anemia is serious, some iron supplements should be overcome at this time for treatment, such as oral iron rims or ferrous sulfate tablets. Some iron supplements are very effective. For example, the iron edge piece will not cause certain irritation to the stomach, and it is easy to digest and absorb. It is a good iron supplement.

I'm afraid of the heart 2024-05-20 11:35:52

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