Psychology of Adolescent Children

valiant and heroic in bearing Ask on 2024-06-21 08:29:23
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After the children go to middle school, they gradually enter adolescence, the psychology of adolescent children. At this time, they are physically closer to adults, and inwardly, they are also closer to adults. Similar adult desires emerge in their hearts. At the same time, they are moving from childishness to maturity, lacking experience in all aspects, and often in conflict. Therefore, we should understand several groups of obvious contradictions existing in their self-awareness, and educate children according to the situation.

Adolescent children's psychology 1. The contradiction between independence and dependence

After middle school, children no longer follow the instructions of teachers and parents as they did in primary school, and accept the evaluation of others. They began to realize that many of their own ideas in the past were not their own, but from teachers. So they began to explore their true selves and see the world with their own eyes. Children want to be independent and decide their own affairs; The children feel that they have grown up and are unwilling to participate in activities with their parents. But they are very clear that they cannot be completely independent, can not do without the help of their parents, and lack of capital and experience independent of society. Therefore, there are contradictions in their self-awareness.

Adolescent children's psychology 2. The contradiction between ideal and reality

All children have beautiful ideals about their own future and life. With the improvement of their cognitive ability, they also see many unsatisfactory realities. The great difference between ideal and reality has produced contradictions in their self-awareness. Sometimes, children's tendency to be too idealistic is often the result of parental education. Parents try their best to let children see the positive side of life and cover up the negative side. Once children find out, they will be in confusion. Some parents themselves have a tendency to pursue perfection and have absolute requirements for everything, which also leads to the intensification of the contradiction between children's ideals and reality.

Adolescent children's psychology 3. The contradiction between conceit and inferiority

After puberty, teenagers begin to observe and evaluate themselves like bystanders. This kind of self-evaluation may be based on the attitude of others towards themselves, or it may be compared with people who are similar to themselves, or it may be completely internal self analysis and evaluation. These evaluations are quite subjective and one-sided, and are often prone to extreme changes. For example, some students are depressed just because of a few criticisms from their teachers, while others are elated by others' casual praise. It seems that there is only a wall between self abasement and arrogance, and most of the time, they are in the inner conflict between conceit and inferiority.

Adolescent Children's Psychology 4. Contradiction between Communication and Closure

Young teenagers are eager to exchange ideas and inner experiences with their peers to relieve their growing loneliness. Since adolescence, children have experienced the taste of loneliness. They are full of various fantasies and longings, but also sprout a lot of loneliness and sadness, and have a tendency of self isolation. In real life, they are eager to have their own room, their own desk cabinet, which can store their own diary, mail album and other "personal items". They do not like others, especially their parents, asking questions to themselves, and do not want to reveal their inner feelings. In order to understand their children's inner activities, parents sometimes become interested in their children's personal belongings, which often causes their children's aversion. At this time, the "generation gap" between parents and children is relatively obvious, which is actually one of the contradictions of children's self-consciousness in adolescence.

As for the psychology of adolescent children, parents should discuss problems with their children on an equal basis, and it is most likely to cause their aversion to talk to their children in a teaching tone. Parents should not impose their views on their children.

valiant and heroic in bearing 2024-06-24 11:21:38

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