What is the sudden abdominal cramp and vomiting

Listen to the spring Ask questions on April 21, 2024 at 18:26:07
Recommended answer

Sudden abdominal cramps and vomiting may be caused by gastroenteritis or cholecystitis. Severe abdominal pain and vomiting indicate that the disease affects the intestinal digestion and absorption function. If the pain is in the right upper abdomen and there are symptoms of jaundice and fever, it may be caused by gallstones and cholecystitis. If the pain is in the right lower abdomen and there is a fever, it may be caused by appendicitis. Abdominal color ultrasound should be performed in a timely manner, and surgery should be performed if necessary. If the pain is in the middle, which may be caused by gastroenteritis caused by food irritation or cold, it can be recuperated by abdominal hot compress and probiotics supplementation.

Listen to the spring 2024-04-28 11:12:46

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