What Antiinflammatory Drugs Should Be Taken for Cervical Erosion

Go away smartly Ask questions on 2024-05-07 22:59:05
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Cervical erosion is a disease that plagues many women. In nine out of ten cases, it will be diagnosed as cervical erosion if you go to a routine gynecological examination. But with scientific understanding, the name of cervical erosion has been canceled in the professional term. Now, research has found that the so-called cervical erosion is not a real cervical erosion, but the columnar epithelium of the cervix under the influence of hormone levels, The displacement on the surface of the cervix, that is, the vagina of the cervix, is now called cervical columnar epithelial ectopia, which is a physiological phenomenon. If there are no symptoms, no increase in the amount of leucorrhea, and leucorrhea has a peculiar smell, no treatment is needed, and regular screening for cervical cancer can be done. Because the cervical columnar epithelium is heterotopic, because the surface is columnar epithelium, which is easy to cause secondary infection, you should do a bacterial analysis of leucorrhea, check the specific bacterial infection, such as mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonococcus, trichomonas and other bacterial and microbial infections, and then use targeted antibiotics to further symptomatic treatment.

Go away smartly 2024-05-13 11:18:25

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