What is the reason for more leucorrhea

How tender is unrequited love Ask questions at 10:50:22 on April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

The increase of leucorrhea due to lumbar acid may be caused by some gynecological diseases in female patients. The patient has pelvic inflammation or endometritis, uterine prolapse, uterine fibroids, which may lead to lumbar acid and leukorrhea. It is suggested that patients should go to the gynecology department of the hospital in time to make corresponding examinations, find out the causes, and treat the causes. At ordinary times, you can also relieve the symptoms of waist soreness through proper massage and hot compress on the waist, as well as acupuncture and physiotherapy. Take more rest and keep warm to avoid catching cold.

How tender is unrequited love 2024-04-28 11:21:50

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