How to deal with stomachache in seven month pregnant women

reconcile oneself to one's situation Ask on 2024-06-21 20:27:03
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Pregnancy is an important stage for a woman, because there are many precautions during pregnancy, such as diet or sleep, and what should not be ignored is the physical discomfort during pregnancy. Among them, seven month pregnant women consult about stomach pain during pregnancy, and how to deal with such a situation, Now let's talk about how to deal with stomachache in pregnant women of seven months.

1、 The diet of pregnant women can be appropriately reduced, especially the food with high sugar content. You can drink more cornmeal porridge. If digestion is OK, you can add a little millet porridge and yam porridge (rice and yam are in half, yam is cut into pieces, and the cooking time must be longer, which must be more than 15 minutes longer than the usual cooking time). Try not to drink pure rice porridge. Don't add auxiliary materials to the porridge at will. You can add a little jujube appropriately. The diet is mainly light. After the symptoms of stomachache are relieved, gradually add high calorie and high nutrition food.

2、 If the symptoms of stomach pain are relatively serious, you can take 20g of white peony and 10g of roasted licorice decoction, one dose a day, three times for each dose, and take it in three times. Heat it properly before taking each dose. (Medicinal materials must be purchased in Tongrentang or other pharmacies with good quality, because the current situation in the retail market of traditional Chinese medicine is really not optimistic, which is also the reason why traditional Chinese medicine sometimes seems to have poor effects.

3、 If it is caused by catching cold, it is recommended to drink more water. In the evening, you must cover your quilt, drink some brown sugar water, massage your abdomen, and take some stomach invigorating tablets. If you can't, you should go to the hospital.

4、 Pay attention to balanced diet, and be sure to have meals on time. Just eat less and eat more meals. It is recommended to give priority to recuperation and try not to take medicine. Also, if you have been in pain, consider whether it is caused by uterine contraction, and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

For a pregnant woman who is seven months pregnant, she needs to make more reasonable arrangements in her diet and life during pregnancy. We are also familiar with the situation of seven month pregnant women with stomachache. In the future, when such a situation occurs, we can keep a good attitude, actively face it, and actively follow the doctor's advice.

reconcile oneself to one's situation 2024-06-24 11:29:08

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