How to get rid of depression

High mountains and flowing water Ask questions on 2024-06-21 01:53:42
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Melancholy is a kind of mood disorder, which is a cognitive symptom caused by improper thinking about negative life events and is not easy to be comforted or relieved. Everyone has some depression more or less in his life, and depression is not equal to depression. Therefore, when you are in a low mood, you should properly relieve your mood and avoid aggravating the degree of depression.

Definition of depression

According to DSM-IV, depression is classified into emotional disorders, including Major Depressive Disorder and Dystrophic Disorder. The symptoms listed below should be identified by a professional psychiatrist to avoid self misjudgment.

Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by one or more episodes of major depression (that is, at least two weeks of depression or loss of interest and joy, accompanied by at least four ancillary symptoms of depression:

The mood is often described as melancholy, sad, hopeless, frustrating, or falling to the bottom of the case. More or less, the case always has lost interest or joy appetite, and may also increase appetite and thirst for special food. Insomnia or excessive sleep (narcolepsy)

Psychomotor changes include excitement (such as inability to sit quietly, step, wring hands; or pulling or rubbing skin, clothing or other objects) or retardation (such as slow language, thinking and body movements; increased hesitation time before answering questions; reduced volume, fluctuation, volume, content variability, and even silence)

Loss of vitality and fatigue

The sense of worthlessness or guilt, including unrealistic negative evaluation of one's own value or the focus idea of guilt and evil feeling for past small failures, or the decline of thinking ability, focus ability or decision-making ability, often has death thoughts, suicidal thoughts, or suicide attempts.

Mild depression is characterized by depression for at least two years. During this period, there are more days of depression than days of non depression, and there are many ancillary symptoms of depression (but it does not meet the diagnosis of severe depression attack).

Important factors affecting depression: From a biological perspective, the known neurotransmitters, genetics, etc. will have an important impact on depression. In particular, the deficiency of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, often leads to depression, which has been considered as one of the main causes of depression.

Serotonin was discovered only in the middle of the twentieth century. Because it can cause vasoconstriction, the Latin words "blood" and "taus" were combined to form serotonin, which was translated into Chinese. Later, it was found that serum hormones can cause intestinal contraction and regulate reactions caused by other nerve conduction substance cords. Tryptophan (Trp, also called tryptophan), the predecessor of serotonin, is an essential amino acid that the human body cannot produce by itself and must ingest from food. If there is no tryptophan, the chemical reaction and mood of the brain will change, so it is very important to eat a balanced diet in daily life.

How to avoid worsening depression

In addition to being able to receive appropriate treatment and take medicine according to the doctor's prescription rules, the most important thing is to provide supportive psychotherapy to let the parties understand that this phenomenon is very common, How to make adjustments in life when the situation occurs (such as regular exercise, avoiding too much carbohydrate intake in diet, reducing the intake of coffee and cigarettes, taking vacations, or reducing social activities during this period, learning not to blame yourself, increasing your effective management of time, and psychological therapy to improve self-esteem).

How to care for patients with depression

Arrange daily activities for patients, and relatives and friends can take turns to take patients out for a walk, such as shopping, sightseeing, sports, or participate in other leisure activities. Morning is usually the time when patients with depression are in the worst mood, so if the activity cannot be carried out in the morning, it can be changed to afternoon or evening.

The behavior of depressed patients is sometimes misunderstood as laziness and laxity. Please don't blame or scold them, because they are sick. Therefore, relatives and friends should help them deal with some daily chores until they recover and are able to work, and pay close attention to whether the patient has any signs of suicide, and send them to the hospital quickly or ask a psychiatrist for diagnosis. The public should better play the role of social public tools, spread correct knowledge and care for patients with depression.

High mountains and flowing water 2024-06-24 11:20:44

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