How to carry social pressure on sub-health men

Booming Flowers and a Full Moon Ask questions on 2024-06-22 00:36:13
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Generally speaking, sub-health men have to bear more social pressure than women. According to statistics, sub-health men have a higher proportion of smoking, drinking and even car accident deaths than healthy women. Under the "high pressure" of life, which diseases should sub-health men pay special attention to? How should sub-health men care?

Fatigue injury needs adjustment

In the face of great pressure, male friends have to pay more for their work. Working overtime for a long time and staying up late destructively reduce the body's immunity, so that bacteria can take advantage of it and cause a variety of urogenital infections.

Cause of disease: There are more than 20 kinds of urinary infection diseases in clinical practice. If the treatment is improper, it is very easy to recur. If the patient is forced to work again, and does not pay attention to rest and timely adjustment, it will further aggravate the condition. For example, it can cause marulitis, anterior prostatitis, seminal vesiculitis, urethritis, etc., which can cause pain in the penis and waist, male dysfunction, infertility, etc. In addition, genitourinary infection will also reduce physical immunity, increase patients' mental stress, and induce other diseases.

Decompression prescription: white-collar workers should not work overtime for a long time, especially staying up late. Men who work overtime for a long time should pay attention to the balanced diet, stay up late and keep warm, and consider the combination of work and rest after work. At ordinary times, we should also develop the habit of paying attention to personal hygiene, changing and washing clothes frequently, not wearing tight and airtight pants, and not using public baths and bathtubs.

Timely medical drug matching

Once men encounter the above diseases, they should go to regular hospitals in time to find specialist doctors for diagnosis and treatment. In view of the problems in the anterior gonad, experts remind that there is a hard lipid envelope outside the anterior gonad, and it is difficult for ordinary drugs to penetrate into the patient's site. The combination of advanced physical therapy and drugs has obvious effects in clinical practice -- the new generation of anterior gonad rehabilitation treatment system, CRS superconducting treatment system, anterior gonad electrolysis treatment system and other treatment effects are good.

Booming Flowers and a Full Moon 2024-06-24 11:20:44

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