What kind of medicine to take for liver fire hyperactivity and kidney deficiency

A soft heart and a hard temper Ask questions at 09:39:18, May 21, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients with liver fire hyperactivity and kidney deficiency can adjust by taking Chinese patent medicine. The more common Chinese patent medicines are Guifu Dihuang Pill, Liuwei Dihuang Pill, Qiju Dihuang Pill and other Chinese medicines, which are good for nourishing kidney yin, liver yin, and purging liver fire. At the same time, they can be used together with Longdan Xiegan Pill and Chaihu Shugan Powder to assist patients with liver fire. For example, Jinshuibao, as well as daily health care drugs, can also be reasonably applied under the guidance of doctors in regular hospitals. The liver fire is strong and the kidney is weak, which is mostly seen in women in menopause or elderly people who are weak. Therefore, traditional Chinese medicine is often used to tonify the kidney and liver. In daily life, you can also drink lycium barbarum through soaking in water.

A soft heart and a hard temper 2024-05-27 11:19:11

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