Causes of brown secretion during the expected delivery period

Middle aged Ou Basan who sold his love Ask questions on June 23, 2024 at 13:43:59
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Brown secretion may appear during the expected delivery period because you are close to labor. At this time, you should go to the hospital to check whether the fetus is about to be born. At the same time, you may also be accompanied by redness. It is safer for you to observe in hospital. In case of brown secretion in the due date of delivery, pregnant women should relax properly, which is helpful to the stretching function of the baby.

Because it is not necessarily labor that may have false labor after seeing red, do you feel contractions? Generally, uterine contractions last for three to five minutes and are relatively regular, which belongs to the symptoms of labor. You'd better go to the hospital now to have a look. If the cervical conditions are mature, you can consider hospitalization for labor. The child is in the normal fetal position in front of the left occipital, and the fetal heart is normal. If the umbilical cord wraps around the neck for one week, it can be considered to give birth naturally, but it is necessary to observe the birth process and labor force and relax.

There is a brown secretion at this time. This may be a fast birth. This needs to go to the hospital to see if the uterus has been opened. It is suggested to pay attention to diet and nutrition, take more rest, go to the hospital as soon as possible for labor if there are labor symptoms such as labor pains, and do not eat spicy food.

Since the expected date of delivery is approaching, we should be prepared. An increase in brown secretion means birth. However, labor omen is a regular pain. The time interval of pain changes from long to short, and it will become more and more painful. There may be some inflammation or something. The expected date of delivery is not necessarily the real date of production. It may be earlier or later, so you must be careful with the remaining five days. If you want to see the red, you can not rush to the hospital; But if the amniotic fluid is broken, you must not be careless and go to the hospital immediately.

The expected production date is only an indicator to roughly judge the production time. Few people will produce on the day of the expected production date. Generally, production is normal two weeks before and after the expected production date. Generally, labor may not begin until one or two days or more after the onset of redness. If the irregular contraction of the penis is not observed, just pay attention to keeping the outer part clean.

If there are two uterine contractions within 10 minutes, the intensity is enough to cause abdominal distension or waist acid, and each uterine contraction lasts for half a minute or more, the development trend is that the intensity gradually increases, the duration is prolonged, and the interval is gradually shortened. Frequent and intense contractions make pregnant women unable to sleep. This regular contractions are also called contraction, which is a sign of the beginning of labor, It is usually called parturition. At this time, be prepared for hospitalization regardless of whether you have seen redness or broken water.

I believe that after reading this article, you should all know that the brown secretion in the due date of delivery is not harmful to our health. It means that our baby will soon come to the world. As a mother, you should do a good job in welcoming your baby.

Middle aged Ou Basan who sold his love 2024-06-24 11:28:26

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