What to do when a 5-year-old baby coughs in summer

Tianshan Snow Lotus Ask questions at 05:46:01, April 2, 2024
Recommended answer

When a 5-year-old baby coughs in summer, it is considered that the cough is due to lung heat caused by hot weather. It is suggested that parents first give the baby an appropriate amount of crystal sugar sydney juice to help stop cough and expectoration and improve symptoms. They can also give the baby an appropriate amount of mung bean water or honeysuckle water to help the baby remove toxins from the body, achieve the effect of removing heat and heat, and help relieve the cough symptoms of Baobao in summer. If the effect of the above measures is not obvious, parents are advised to consult the doctor, and appropriately apply the drugs with heat clearing, fire removing and cough relieving effects to the baby according to the doctor's advice. The commonly used drug is the Xiaoer Feire Kechuan Oral Liquid. The specific dosage, course of treatment, and precautions should be strictly followed, to ensure the safety of the baby's medication and treatment, and to improve the baby's discomfort as soon as possible.

Tianshan Snow Lotus 2024-04-07 11:53:08

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