What is the pain in the medial thigh root

Dusty memory Ask questions at 10:05:40 on October 9, 2023-10
Recommended answer

The pain in the inner thigh root can be seen in the following reasons: First, hip diseases, such as hip osteoarthritis, femoral head necrosis, hip tuberculosis, tumor, femoral neck fracture and other diseases, cause pain by radiating to the inner thigh root. 2、 Severe exercise may lead to muscle and fascia injury on the inner side of the thigh root or chronic injury caused by long-term accumulated external force, resulting in aseptic inflammation and pain. 3、 Diseases of the lumbar spine, such as lumbar disc herniation and lumbar spinal canal stenosis, will stimulate and compress the nerve and radiate to the inner side of the thigh root, causing pain. 4、 Local lesions, local lymph node infection, lymphadenitis and other diseases cause pain.

Dusty memory 2023-10-16 12:15:11

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