What to do with baby with high muscular tension

Between water clouds Ask questions at 23:45:49 on March 28, 2024
Recommended answer

Baobao has high muscle tension, which may be the manifestation of cerebral palsy. The muscle is controlled by the brain. If the brain has problems, the muscle tension will change. If the muscle tension decreases and increases, it may be the manifestation of cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a disease of the nervous system, which will lead to increased muscular tension. It is difficult for parents to find the increased muscular tension. As a child health examiner, doctors can do muscle tension. If there is any problem in the examination, further examination should be carried out to find it as soon as possible. For example, head MRI, chromosome and gene examination. If the child's motor development or other development is obviously backward, do infant passive exercises for the child, which can effectively relieve the child's high muscle tension. Of course, children can also receive targeted rehabilitation training in the rehabilitation center. After training, assess the child's limb development, and take appropriate oral or intravenous drugs to nourish brain cells.

Between water clouds 2024-04-01 16:37:31

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