How to treat optic atrophy

drift Ask questions on 2024-03-31 12:43:16
Recommended answer

The treatment of optic atrophy is limited at present, especially for primary, congenital and hereditary optic atrophy, there is no effective treatment at present. For secondary optic atrophy, the most important thing is to remove the cause. For intracranial tumors, timely surgical resection, such as meningiomas, brain tumors, pituitary tumors, etc., will improve the vision after surgery. It is caused by optic neuritis, mainly by anti-inflammatory treatment, improving nerve blood supply, surgery and drugs to reduce high intraocular pressure, nourish nerves, and improve microcirculation. Toxicity caused by the main removal of toxic factors, Chinese patent medicine can be used to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, symptomatic treatment.

drift 2024-04-01 16:36:56

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