How is acute renal failure caused

Harmony between heaven, earth and man Ask questions on April 2, 2024 11:27:43
Recommended answer

The causes of acute renal failure can be divided into pre renal, post renal and renal. Prerenal mainly includes some volume deficiencies, massive fluid loss or blood loss or cardiac insufficiency, and insufficient renal perfusion. Postrenal includes obstructive nephropathy caused by kidney stones or prostatic hyperplasia. Renal failure is divided into glomerular, tubular, renal vascular and acute nephritis. So glomerular glomerulonephritis, which is called acute glomerulonephritis, is mainly divided into those secondary to the systemic system, such as vasculitis, anti GBM disease, and lupus. Renal tubular disease is mainly caused by toxicosis or acute tubular necrosis caused by sepsis. Interstitial nephritis is mainly acute renal injury caused by interstitial and inflammatory cell infiltration caused by various poisons or drugs. Vascular diseases are mainly microthrombotic diseases or embolism of large vessels, so there are many reasons for acute renal failure. It should be judged according to the patient's capacity, whether there is obstruction and whether there is glomerular tubule.

Harmony between heaven, earth and man 2024-04-07 11:51:14

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