Can Xiao Sanyang be cured

the elderly Ask on 22:05:04, March 28, 2024
Recommended answer

It is difficult for Xiao Sanyang to completely cure and eliminate the virus in liver cells, but his condition can be effectively controlled. Some patients with Xiaosanyang can not find hepatitis B virus DNA in their blood, their liver function is normal, and there is no obvious inflammation in liver pathology, and the above state can be maintained for a long time. This can happen either in natural circumstances or in the case of anti HBV. However, CCCDNA of hepatitis B virus can still be detected in hepatocytes, and few of them will show positive surface antibody. There is still low level of hepatitis B virus DNA in part of Xiao Sanyang's blood, and the liver function is abnormal, so anti hepatitis B virus treatment is needed. Nucleoside drugs include entecavir, tenofovir, propofol tenofovir, etc., which can turn the virus negative in the blood and restore the liver function to normal, but the condition is easy to recur after drug withdrawal.

the elderly 2024-04-01 16:36:33

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