Symptoms of fungal infection of skin

A smart smile Ask questions on 2024-03-27 18:24:27
Recommended answer

Dermal fungal infection, which is called tinea corporis in medicine, refers to dermatophyte infection that occurs in superficial parts except scalp, hair, palms, soles and nails. And tinea cruris refers to the infection of dermatophytes on the superficial skin of groin, perineum, anus and buttocks, which belongs to tinea corporis in special parts. This disease occurs frequently in summer and autumn, obesity, hyperhidrosis, diabetes, chronic consumptive disease, and people who have long-term use of glucocorticoid or immune agents are susceptible people. The rash shows red papules, papules or small blisters, and then forms red patches with clear boundaries, the edges continue to expand outward, the center tends to fade, forming a ring or multi ring with clear boundaries, and the center has pigmentation, I feel itchy.

A smart smile 2024-04-01 16:37:28

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