What not to eat for nephritis

Recuperate the old body Ask questions at 11:31:43, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Nephritis is a common disease in nephrology, which is mainly manifested in hematuria, albuminuria, edema, hypertension and may be accompanied by varying degrees of renal dysfunction. In addition to medication, special attention should be paid to diet in the treatment of nephritis. The general diet principle is low salt, low fat, high-quality low protein diet. Therefore, nephritis patients should not eat especially salty food first, such as some pickles, and cooking is relatively salty. Secondly, we should have a low-fat diet, such as hamburgers, French fries, puffed food, greasy food, fried food and fat meat. Finally, there is the dietary requirement for high-quality protein. You can eat meat, eggs, milk and other high-quality protein every day, as well as soybeans and tofu, but you can't eat more vegetable protein, such as other beans, red beans and mung beans. Through these dietary improvements, kidney disease can be better treated.

Recuperate the old body 2024-05-20 11:14:11

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