LOL fights in disorder in Northern China. How does Sister Sezhuang pig dress up

Let go with a smile Ask questions on June 5, 2024-16:09:10
Recommended answer

LOL fights in disorder. How does Sister Sezhuang pig pretend? Sister Pig is a relatively fleshy tank in the League of Heroes. Nothing else but going out passively is the highest armor and magic resistance

Operation method

Choose equipment when going out. It is recommended to wear a guard horn when going out. Passivity is a fixed number of damage blocks, and this effect is scary for the passive sister pig

Later, the costumes will be based on the opposite lineup. For AD heroes with more heroes, you can choose Blue Shield and those with more critical attacks

You can also choose anti armour, which is aimed at the strong ability of level A

While the magic resistance is a continuous type of snake girl or scarecrow and other WER, the skill is a continuous type of adaptive helmet

You can choose to cheer up armor when you have a hero of auxiliary blood adding type

The higher the dual resistance, the higher the passive effect you will get. It can be said that you can basically be harmless when there is passivity, but the low passive effect still needs some blood, so the maniac just doesn't make a choice

If the team needs hand to hand combat, it can produce a sunburn. The longer you stand, the more output

Let go with a smile 2024-06-07 09:55:01

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