What's the cause of the pain, stinging urination, girl

set sail Ask questions on April 18, 2024:06:56
Recommended answer

Female students have pain below and tingle when urinating. It is considered that urinary tract infection has occurred. Common reasons include low resistance, unclean perineum and special body structure. The female urethra is relatively short and thick, close to the anus, which is prone to retrograde infection, leading to acute urethritis, acute cystitis, acute pyelonephritis and other diseases, which are mainly manifested as frequent urination, urgency of urination, pain in urination, and even hematuria, low back pain, fever and other symptoms in severe cases. You need to go to the hospital to check the urine routine to make a clear diagnosis, and take anti-inflammatory drugs for treatment. Common drugs include cephalosporins or quinolones, such as levofloxacin, cefixime, etc. You should drink more water, urinate frequently, and pay attention to the cleanness of perineum.

set sail 2024-04-22 12:31:40

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