What medicine does the bronchitis cough that cold causes take?

When I was young, my clothes were thin in spring Ask questions on 2024-05-14 15:22:18
Recommended answer

Analyze the causes of bronchitis and cough caused by colds. Take different medicines for different reasons. If the virus invades the bronchus, it will cause congestion, edema and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. We should take active antiviral treatment, drink more warm water, and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. If it is a cold complicated with lung infection, cough and expectoration occur, antibiotics should be used according to the results of sputum culture drug sensitivity. If it is a cold complicated with asthma, the cough caused by the attack should be actively treated with anti inflammation and anti asthma.

When I was young, my clothes were thin in spring 2024-05-20 11:52:12

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