What should I do if there is pus in the glans

Thinking alone in the snow Ask questions at 11:40:54, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

The purulent discharge from the glans may be caused by balanitis. The patient should go to the urology department of the local hospital for examination. According to the specific type of balanitis, use the corresponding drug ointment to smear balanitis for treatment. If it is fungal balanitis, you can use an antifungal ointment. If it is bacterial balanitis, you can use antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ointment. In addition, patients should keep the glans and the inner side of the foreskin clean. They can use warm water to clean the glans and the inner side of the foreskin every day, and clean the foreskin dirt on them in time. After balanitis is completely cured, circumcision can be performed to prevent recurrence.

Thinking alone in the snow 2024-04-22 12:17:42

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