Symptoms and manifestations of adult hernia

Get busy getting old Ask questions on 2024-05-24 07:46:22
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The main manifestation of adult hernia is the appearance of reducible mass in the groin, scrotum or navel and the corresponding hernia site, and such mass disappears in the supine position when quiet; When standing or performing strenuous activities, the parcel may protrude or increase significantly. In clinical practice, according to the characteristics of reducible mass, it can be initially considered as a typical symptom of adult hernia. In addition, some special parts of hernia, such as abdominal intestinal hernia, patients with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, intestinal obstruction and so on. Therefore, the symptoms and manifestations of adult hernia are different. Early diagnosis and treatment should be carried out to reduce complications and other hazards.

Get busy getting old 2024-05-27 11:04:04

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