What is the best medicine for patients with COPD

Young and frivolous Ask questions on 2024-05-17 06:48:45
Recommended answer

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients are usually treated with two drugs in clinic, which are called bronchodilators and beta agonists. The first bronchodilator is anticholinergic drugs, which are popular in the market at present, such as Tianqing Sule and Silihua. The other is a compound preparation, which is a combination of inhaled hormone and beta receptor agonist. Now we can meet in clinical practice, such as Shu Lidie and Xin Bike. In the future, there will be a combination of so-called anticholinergic drugs and beta agonists in clinical practice. At present, COPD is treated by inhaling the above drugs. When cough and expectoration occur, you can take expectorant medicine, and if inflammation occurs, you can take antibiotics.

Young and frivolous 2024-05-20 12:00:04

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