What is clapping therapy

A fire in winter Ask on 2024-06-23 22:14:43
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Clapping therapy has recently become popular in taiwan, but it is rarely known in the mainland. Some people understand what clapping therapy is, and some people are confused. Today, a small editor of the Beautiful Women's Street will introduce you to this knowledge. Please don't miss it.

Fitness Principle

Hand clapping therapy, also known as sonar Qigong, is similar to acupuncture, massage and foot therapy in Chinese medicine. Its role is to stimulate the meridian points and hand reflex areas of both hands. These points and hand reflex areas all respond to the general health.

By dredging the meridians, vibrating the pulse qi and strengthening the blood circulation, the immune function of the human body can be improved, and the cold yin and filthy qi in the body can be discharged from the tip of ten fingers.

Professor Chen Baida of Taiwan said in his article "An All round Health Approach": "People who have a cold can recover immediately by clapping their hands until they sweat (about 20 minutes); people who are drunk can recover from drunkenness by clapping their hands until they sweat; people who are sleepy when driving can stop their car and clap their hands for a while, and their sleepiness will disappear; For people with weak heart and arrhythmia, clapping for two or three months will improve; The diabetics clap their hands, and the blood sugar index will gradually become normal; Those with numb or trembling fingers will recover after a month or two of clapping; If people with high blood pressure clap their hands, their blood pressure will drop; If people with low blood pressure clap their hands, their blood pressure will rise; People with gout, headache, dizziness and nose allergy will gradually recover by clapping their hands; People who are listless, easily tired and angry will slowly improve by clapping their hands; Clapping hands between children and teenagers can eliminate 'bull temper' and violent tendencies, and improve the efficiency of reading... "

Clapping therapy can improve chronic diseases, including body aches and pains, cold hands and feet in winter, dizziness and headache, weakness, palpitations and cold sweats, anxiety and fear, obesity, hypertension, hypotension, diabetes, uremia, liver disease, stomach disease, asthma, myocardial infarction, nightmares, slow reaction, elderly mental deterioration and amnesia, female dysmenorrhea, neurasthenia, irritability, skin diseases Myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, glaucoma, cataract, fly mosquito disease, astigmatism, eye pain, xerophthalmia, tinnitus, dysentery, constipation, halitosis, mouth pain, hiccup, dreamlike emission, and slippery.

Operation method

Separate the ten fingers and clap them evenly from palm to palm and finger to finger. At the beginning, you can pat your hands gently, and then gradually increase it until your hands can bear it, but it cannot be too light, otherwise it will not stimulate the hand reflex area. When slapping, remember to separate your thumb from the other four fingers to avoid excessive blood stasis caused by clapping. Focus on between your palms and keep your mood relaxed and happy.

According to the posture of clapping hands, it can be divided into: 1. sitting and clapping hands; 2. Standing and clapping hands; 3. Clap while walking; 4. Clap your hands in place. For these four postures, the third and fourth movements of hands and feet are better.

According to the sound level of clapping, it can be divided into:

There are nine levels of skin sound, flesh sound, muscle sound, blasting sound, crackling sound, crackling sound, crackling sound, crackling sound, crackling sound, and extreme diction sound.

Most people stop when they feel pain in their hands. In fact, it is the best time to shoot the pain. As long as it hurts dozens more times, the explosion sound comes out, and the pain will disappear.

Time and place

People who go to work had better use half an hour before breakfast or after supper. After dinner, take a short rest and clap your hands while walking, which can help digestion and eliminate the physical and mental pollution accumulated every day.

The doctor suggested that the best place to clap hands is where trees are thick on the mountain and nobody is there; Secondly, the park with fresh air is also a good place to practice clapping therapy; Third, the living room, study and bedroom of your own are suitable for clapping as long as the air is well ventilated and will not affect the people around you.

For normal people, taking five minutes every morning can start the vitality of the day. Patients with sub-health or chronic diseases should be photographed for half an hour every day. Don't be afraid of pain or wasting time.

Because the clapping therapy has a small amount of exercise and does not need to walk, some patients in wheelchairs or the elderly with mobility difficulties can use this method to exercise. The characteristic of clapping therapy is that it can be carried out anytime and anywhere, whether lying, walking, sitting or standing; Even when going to the toilet or in traffic jam, you can clap your hands in the open space.

Analyze the reaction after clapping

After practice of clapping therapy for a period of time, there will be blood stasis, skin damage and bleeding in the palm of your hand. These conditions are relatively common. If they occur during practice, you should prevent them in time, so that the disease can be completely eradicated before it develops.

If the palm is bruised after clapping, it means that some organ or tissue in the body is blocked by qi and blood, which is the reflection of the affected part. Continue shooting, the congestion will gradually dissipate, and the blockage in the body will be unblocked.

The number of people who can beat their fingers purple is very small, and they are usually patients with sepsis and purpura. As the lung meridian is blocked, the liver qi is blocked, the blood circulation is not smooth, and toxins are deposited in the blood vessels, the blood vessels are inelastic and easy to break, and will be bruised if slightly hit.

The whole palm is swollen after slapping, which means that it is difficult to open it because long-term drinking has blocked the qi path and acupoints. If a woman has a stroke due to careless confinement, she will also show swelling when clapping her hands. The tapping should be strengthened until it disappears.

At this time, you can rest for a day or two before taking the picture; Or the action of clapping should be lighter; Or apply a piece of adhesive tape before shooting (this kind of adhesive tape is seldom infected and can heal quickly).

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A fire in winter 2024-06-24 11:47:21

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