How is prostate cancer caused

To end in twilight Ask questions on 2024-04-16 07:56:32
Recommended answer

Prostate cancer is the third malignant tumor of male genitourinary system. The occurrence and development of prostate cancer are related to many factors. It includes internal factors, such as genetic factors. At present, a large number of research results show that genetic and environmental factors play an important role in it. Prostate cancer can be divided into sporadic, familial and hereditary types: sporadic prostate cancer patients have no related family history, accounting for about 85%. Familial type refers to prostate cancer with one or more family members. Heredity means that 3 or more members of the core family are ill or have prostate cancer for three consecutive generations. Familial type and hereditary type account for 15%. Most prostate cancers are polygenic, but some hereditary prostate cancers may be determined by single gene or relatively few gene mutations. External factors are some conditions that cause prostate cancer. In addition to genetic factors, including obesity, smoking, large amount of fat intake, etc., there is also a certain correlation with the occurrence of prostate cancer.

To end in twilight 2024-04-22 12:20:12

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