What medicine should I take if I have stomachache

Thank you for your experience Ask questions at 09:49:36, April 17, 2024
Recommended answer

What kind of medicine should be taken for stomachache without diarrhea, mainly depending on the disease that causes this symptom. The symptoms of acute intestinal obstruction are abdominal pain and inability to pull out. Diseases that cause acute intestinal obstruction include adhesive intestinal obstruction, mechanical intestinal obstruction, fecal intestinal obstruction and strangulating intestinal obstruction. For adhesive intestinal obstruction, it is often because of a history of abdominal surgery. The treatment is mainly conservative, such as fasting, gastrointestinal decompression, anti-inflammatory, fluid replacement, etc. The symptoms can be relieved after 5 to 7 days. Mechanical intestinal obstruction is usually caused by intestinal tumor or polyp, which requires colonoscopy or CT examination to make a clear diagnosis and often requires surgery. The pain of intestinal strangulation is often caused by intestinal obstruction due to intestinal incarceration, accompanied by mesenteric vascular disease, which is prone to intestinal necrosis and needs timely treatment. Fecal intestinal obstruction usually occurs in the elderly. Because the stool is dry, conservative treatment such as fruit guide tablets or oral paraffin oil can be used. Runchang catharsis, thereby alleviating symptoms, to achieve the purpose of treatment.

Thank you for your experience 2024-04-22 12:32:12

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