How to tie a hair band with a ball head? Teach you how to tie a hair band with a ball head

Know how to lose Ask questions on June 12, 2024-13:57:44
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Now many girls like to wear a hairband when they go out, and they can also create many different shapes. When binding your hair, use a hair band to decorate it. It will look more fashionable. So, how can you tie your hair with a hair band? The following is a tutorial on how to tie your hair with balls. Step by step, you can learn how to tie a beautiful hair style, and you will look good as you age.

Hairband Warping Course

1. First, tie a low horse tail and keep a certain distance from the neck;

2. Then twist the horse tail into balls;

3. The ponytail can be inserted with a rubber band, or it can be fixed with a small hair clip. If it is afraid of looseness, it can also be added with a rubber band.

4. Pick up the silk scarf and fold it into a long strip, from front to back (directly from the back of the head to the forehead if it is not long enough), circle the head, return to the forehead, straighten both ends of the silk scarf, and slightly cover the upper edge of the ear;

5. Adjust the position and tie the knot on the top of the head;

6. Finally, pull out the hair at the ear, and it is finished. The key is to tighten it before tying, or it will be easy to loose.

If you think it is too difficult to tie a knot with a silk scarf, replace it with a finished hairband with a rubber band. And this kind of hair band is generally tight, and the wind is not afraid of most.

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Know how to lose 2024-06-13 09:59:53

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